BurstNet 2011年5月阵亡将士纪念日 8折优惠码
看来阵亡将士纪念日对美国来说算是比较大的节日,不少VPS服务商都以阵亡将士纪念日开始促销了,BurstNet也坐不住了,发布了8折优惠码,适合BurstNet所有的Linux VPS方案。
优惠码:MEMBANK20 - 终身8折适合所有Linux VPS方案
>>转载请注明出处:VPS侦探 本文链接地址:https://www.vpser.net/coupons/burstnet-2011-may-memorial-day-coupons.html
@囧阿囧, 那是用代理帐号再加优惠码,但是这种方法我感觉有点危险。万一84不高兴了直接封了帐号就危险了。
😯 那不是说20左右就可以买了?
@hujun, 联系他们取消原来的订单。
你好站长 有个问题想请教
因昨天网上就想买,昨晚下了个订单 ,准备今天付款 ,今天早上收到20%优惠码,又重新下了个订单,到现在还没开通(可能是周末的原因),但下午又收到一封邮件貌似是说那个订单不付款该帐户将被暂停,英文不是太好 ,看的不是太懂,下面是邮件大家帮我看看
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dear hu jun (hujun),
Your BurstNET® account currently has invoice(s) that are overdue.
It is possible that these invoice(s) have specifically not been paid, while other newer invoices have been.
Please make payment on these invoice(s) immediately, or contact us to explain/discuss why these specific invoice(s) have not yet been paid.
Failure to make payment, or discuss this issue with us, will result in account suspension, which we would like to avoid.
This may mean other service(s) on the account will be suspended as well, and/or that future orders may not be processed—until the overdue/unpaid invoice(s) are resolved.
IMPORTANT: You may have orders on hold already, until your overdue invoices are paid.
You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoices at:
Email Address: hujun444@qq.com
Password: **********
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Dear hu jun (hujun),
This is a billing notice that your invoice no. 10505876 which was generated on 05/27/2011 is now overdue.
Your payment method is: PayPal
Invoice: 10505876
Amount Due: $5.95 USD
Due Date: 05/27/2011
You can login to your client area to view and pay the invoice at:
Our system automatically suspends service upon being 5 days overdue on payment (the 5th day of a new service period), as per the BurstNET™ Service Agreement.
We do appreciate your past and future business!
貌似他好像是说不付款不行,你看是什么情况 谢谢!
